Upholstery Stains Worrying You? Go For Scotchgard Protection

upholstery cleaning

Upholstery Stains Worrying You? Go For Scotchgard Protection

By William 11 months ago upholstery cleaning

Couches and sofas that enhance the décor of your living room can sometimes make you think –“What if these sofas get stained? Such stains would definitely ruin the look!” No worries! Every problem has a solution that will definitely leave you amazed. Scotchgard protection is an easy way to push away the stains from the fabric fibres of your couches and sofas. This type of protection avoids the dingy and old look of your upholstery. Scotchgard protection helps in preventing spills to penetrate deep down into the fibres and thereafter become stains. It also helps in maintaining the pristine look of your upholstery. Scotchgard treatment can be used for various fabrics like polyester, nylon, cotton, silk, wool and other washable fabrics. It might not be applicable to upholstery fabric made of leather or suede. Scotchgard protection has various benefits which make it helpful for homes and offices.

Some Benefits Of Using Scotchgard Protection Include: -

  • Protection and Durability - If your house is situated in an area that faces a lot of traffic then Scotchgard protection is a must for your sofas and couches. It increases the life of your upholstery by adding a protective layer against water damage, dust, mould, bacterial and fungus damage, oil and water-based stains and dirt. It makes your sofas and couches look brand new and further adds durability to them.
  • Easier Cleanup - Scotchgard protection helps in providing an easier cleanup facility. Even professional companies use this for better cleaning actions. Applying this protection helps in releasing stains more effectively.
  • Improves Indoor Air Quality - Usage of inappropriate cleaning methods can affect the indoor air quality of your house as such methods generally consist of chemicals that degrade the air quality and thus become the source of breathing issues. Scotchgard protection does not affect the air quality of the house.
  • Cost-Effective - Cleaning methods may make you spend a lot of money. On the other hand, the usage of Scotchgard treatment is cost-effective. Applying it once or twice a year can save a lot of money in addition to cleaning the stains effectively.
  • You Can Do It Yourself - Following just a few steps can make your upholstery look brand new. It can be easily done by you. The steps include preparation and proper application.

Preparing to Spray Scotchgard -

This treatment requires a little bit of preparation to protect the surroundings from overspray. For this, you need to move all other items like lamps, tables, etc away from the nearby walls in order to make space for spraying at different angles. It may require one can of Scotchgard per sofa or couch so keep them ready according to the requirements. You need to shake the can for a minute or so and then spray it on an area of the sofa or couch that won’t be much visible. Then, rub the applied area with a lint-free white cloth. If the colour of the cloth is still white afterwards, then the upholstery is colourfast. In case when colour comes off the fabric then don’t spray Scotchgard further.

How to Apply Scotchgard-

  1. Once you are certain with the fact that your upholstery is colourfast, spray the remaining area of fabric with Scotchgard while maintaining a distance of 6 inches between the can and the fabric. Start from any top corner. It is advised to apply it slowly with sweeping lines that overlap each other slightly.
  2. Let the sprayed area dry for two to four hours. Apply another thin coat. After the second coat, let the applied area dry overnight. If the weather is humid, then it may take longer to dry. Ceiling fans can fasten up the drying process. Try to avoid pets or people from sitting on the upholstery.
  3. Reapply the Scotchgard every six to twelve months for better results. You can also use Scotchgard treatment after the water extraction cleaning method.

Thus, Scotchgard protection can become the best source to keep your upholstery clean. It is rapidly becoming popular these days as it is best suited for upholstery fabric materials. So, now you don’t need to worry about your family dog ruining the look of your sofa or children spilling milk or tea on your couch! Continue loving your blue sofa in its pristine form!


You need to protect your favourite upholstery by taking regular care. Daily maintenance and routine professional upholstery cleaning will ensure that your upholstery and your home are fresh, clean and healthy.

Read More: Easy Steps For Water Stains Removal From Upholstery.


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